







        1、This is to notify you that IP address associated with your organization, SOUTHEAST UNIV, has been blocked from accessing content on the  ACS Publications website due to an excessive session violation.  The unauth orized activity that resulted in this IP block occurred at Sunday, January 1 0, 2010 2:25:52 PM UTC. Unfortunately, valid users from your institution might also be blocked if they use the same IP address, or if the account is set up using a proxy IP add ress.

        2、This is to notify you that IP address associated with your organization, SOUTHEAST UNIV, has been blocked from accessing content on the  ACS Publications website due to an excessive session violation.  The unauthorized activity that resulted in this IP block occurred at Tuesday, January 5, 2010 2:06:33 AM UTC. Unfortunately, valid users from your institution might also be blocked if they use the same IP address, or if the account is set up using a proxy IP address.

        3、However, recent usage made of this service from your institution exceeds what is regarded as normal and reasonable.  This activity was isolated to one host identified at IP address on January 9, 2010.  Many of the requests were sequential and systematic--that is, 64 Article requests in Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 151 Article requests in Journal of Structural Engineering in addition to 50 requests from various journals were downloaded consecutively and within short intervals. Access from the IP range to publications of American Society of Civil Engineers hosted on Scitation has been temporarily suspended.
        4、However, recent usage made of this service from your institution exceeds what is regarded as normal and reasonable.  This activity was isolated to one host identified at IP address on January 8, 2010.  Many of the requests were sequential and systematic--that is, 243 Article requests in Journal of Structural Engineering in addition to 42 requests from various journals were downloaded consecutively and within short intervals. Access from the IP range to publications of American Society of Civil Engineers hosted on Scitation has been temporarily suspended.